R. Brian Rickett
Brian is the founding Pastor-Teacher of the Bible Church of Beebe, planted in 2008-09. His ministry objectives are to faithfully fulfill the goals given to the New Testament minister in Scripture and to be utilized by Christ in the expansion of His Kingdom. In addition to serving as the Pastor-Teacher of BCBEEBE, Brian served as a seminary professor and classroom instructor for 19 years. Brian has served in various church planting and pastoral roles in Arkansas and California since 1993 and has taught in a variety of church and academic environments. Immediately prior to planting BCBEEBE, Brian worked full time for The Master’s College and Seminary in Ca, teaching courses at the institutions from which he also earned his master’s degrees. Brian has also engaged in doctoral studies at both TMS and the Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth, Texas. He has been married to his ministry partner, Janet, since 1993.
Marvin Delk, Jr.
Elder (Chairman); Administration, Teaching, Music
Marvin Delk Jr. was ordained as a lay elder by BCBEEBE in April of 2011 after having been with the church since its inception in 2008 and serving faithfully as a founding member. He also serves as one of the Church’s co-treasurers. Marvin was raised in a Christian home and has witnessed faithfulness to Lord, and the Lord’s church, modeled in the daily living of both his grandparents and his parents throughout the years. After an early, but false, childhood conversion experience, Marvin was genuinely regenerated by the Holy Spirit and converted at the age of fourteen. Throughout the years following his graduation from college in 1984, Marvin has served BMA churches in central Arkansas in various roles that include pulpit supply, youth minister, and Sunday School teacher (adults and youth). Marvin’s “day job” includes overseeing the operations of his family’s commercial construction business as President and project manager. He currently resides in Bald Knob, AR with his wife and best friend, Pamela; they have been married since 1980 and have four grown children (2 girls and 2 boys) and fourteen grandchildren.
Allen Kelley
Acting Elder/Deacon Chairman, New Member Integration
Allen, along with his wife Holli, was a founding member of The Bible Church of Beebe and was instrumental in the initial strategy and early development of the church plant. Prior to his ministry at BCBEEBE, Allen served faithfully in his home church of 30 years and was noted as the youngest man to serve on his church’s deacon board. Allen currently serves in various areas of ministry including administration, budgeting, facility oversight, new member integration, and teaching. He oversees the BCBEEBE membership process and currently teaches the BCBEEBE’s regional Bible study in Beebe. Allen and Holli have been married 26 years and have two teenage sons.